Too much

Too much

Yesterday, a friend of mine sent me a blog post entitled: 'The Myth of the 'Too-Much' Woman' by Sophie Bashford. You can read it yourself here:

My response to my friend was: 'Sooo good! It was like a salve reading it.' It felt that I was reading these words at exactly the right time for me and I feel that what I share next, is a direct result of the words from the blog post as well as the discussion I had with a male friend on this same topic... 

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Women’s Circle

Women’s Circle

A couple of weeks ago, I got inspired to create a video where I answered some questions about Women’s Circles from my perspective.

Questions like:

- What is a Women’s Circle and what happens in one?

- Why am I creating this Women’s Circle?

- Why should you take the time to come to this Women’s Circle?

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Inspired and relieved

Inspired and relieved

Every single soul purpose stated is a piece of who I am, and a piece of every single woman in the room and the world. We are all of those: healers, warriors, shadow hunters, galactic mothers, connectors to the ancestors, witches, truth tellers, bridges between worlds and much more.

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