
I’m focusing a lot on energy this year, and in particular increasing my levels of energy. Part of this focus has lead me to understand that breathing is indeed a good way of charging the body, pretty essential. However, if you are like me, and have anxiety, the tendency is to hold the breath and tense the body. As a way of increasing my energy, among other ways I may share in the future, I have decided to, every time I remember during the day, breathe more consciously and deeper than my normal unconscious breathing.

As I was doing this the other day, I noticed how I tend to focus s a lot more on the out-breath and hardly notice my in-breath. It’s like I go elsewhere and distract myself, even if it is for milliseconds. I think this focus on the out-breath may have come from the yoga I did years ago, where it was encouraged to breath out for longer.

I was thinking of the symbolism of all this. The out-breath is about letting go and releasing and the in-breath is about receiving and charging. If I was to interpret the way I am currently breathing, even when doing more conscious breaths, it seems that I am not present for the receiving but present on the releasing and letting go. I’m no expert on this, but I do know myself a little bit, and this is indeed symbolic of how I am. I find it very hard to receive and have been working at this for a few years now. Maybe it comes more naturally to some people, but I guess that when there is still present in me the limiting belief of not being worthy, then this is understandable.

Also, breathing in and out is a natural flow that symbolises the flow of life. It’s a constant movement of receiving and letting go, in a cyclical way. By holding on to my breath due to anxious thoughts, I interrupt that flow of life and deplete myself of energy.

Now that I have noticed this, I am practising being more present on both parts of the breath, in receiving and in letting go. I will be paying attention if my capacity to receive and make things happen in my life also increases, as well as my energy.

Because I am worth it, and so are you.

What have you noticed in yourself lately? Have you tried to understand what message your body, emotions and behaviours might be telling you?

If you would like to have some support and guidance in becoming your own Scientist of the Self, understanding yourself better, get in touch for a FREE 60 minute Exploration Call. You already have the answers, I am only there to help you see and understand them.